2012 Mobile Suites

2012 Mobile Suites
Available to order.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Rolling Retreats Update 4/5/11

Busy, Busy, Busy.  It has been a while since my last post.  Baby Jace has been home for about 3 weeks.  We just found out yesterday the hole in his heart has finally closed.  He is olmost 3 1/2 months old now and weighs 11 lb and 10 oz.  The LORD is good!  Our other grandbaby Ryder Slade is healthy and always happy, smiling and laughing, he is such a joy. 
We had recently gotten several "oilfield specials" to put on the lot for the local people.   We have already decided, we do not wish to continue with  that and will go back all Doubletree.  For our DRV fans, forgive us....  temorary lapse in judgement.  We are looking forward to possibly picking up an 08 amd am 09 this week, if it is in the LORDS plan.  I haven't been on a trip with Slade in a while, so I am hoping to go with him this week (I have really missed spending time with him)!
Well....  Spring is here and things are greening up.  We plan to have a pond in this year, so if our customers are staying over night, they can go fishing.  The view will be a big bonus!!  Well... gotta run, the new carpet is coming in the morning and I got to get everything out of the room.  Blessings to all!     Alicia <><